Are you an Active Transportation enthusiast?
Interested in multi-modal street and intersection design?
Do you care about the City of Corvallis transportation system?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please read on…
On Tuesday, March 14, at 12 noon, the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition’s Transportation Action Team will host the first in a series of public forums about upcoming pavement rehabilitation projects in Corvallis. The inaugural forum, available as a Zoom webinar, will focus on “NE Circle Boulevard – Reconstruction/Resurfacing Project”. The webinar registration link is
Corvallis Public Works staff will open the program with a brief overview of the scope, budget, and design of the NE Circle Boulevard project. The discussion to follow will provide an opportunity for city staff to receive feedback from residents interested in active transportation, multi-modal street and intersection design, and the transportation system. For those who cannot attend, the forum will be recorded and made available for public viewing.
Corvallis Public Works staff has provided project overview materials (linked below). City residents who plan to attend the forum are encouraged to study the project prior to the forum. Questions and concerns about the project may be submitted at three different times: 1) prior to the meeting, allowing city staff time to address them in their presentation; 2) during the forum, through Zoom Q&A; and 3) in the week following the forum, so those viewing the recording will still be able to provide informed feedback.
The project presented in this forum has already been scoped and budgeted by city staff and cannot be substantially modified. However, city staff are interested in understanding the questions, concerns, and multimodal experiences of residents within the project area. This feedback could lead to improvements that fit within the project scope and budget.
The March 14th forum is a collaboration between the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and the City of Corvallis Public Works Department. This is a public forum, and all city residents are invited.
Public Forum on the Corvallis Pavement Rehabilitation Program:
NE Circle Boulevard – Reconstruction/Resurfacing Project
Date: March 14, 2023
Time: 12:00 – 12:50 PM
Register in advance for this webinar:
NE Circle Boulevard Reconstruction/Resurfacing
Guide to Engaging on Street Investments