Learn how you can help decarbonize energy!

We have little time to decarbonize our energy systems. The science of climate change is clear and the necessary technology is available and economically feasible. Now is the time for government policy to speed the transformation to a clean energy economy.
On Sept. 22, 2021, Christy Anderson Brekken, gave an online presentation titled “Oregon Regulatory Pathways to Decarbonize Energy: TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION”. View this special presentation to learn about the authority of different government bodies to set clean energy policy, and current opportunities to advocate for electrifying the transportation fleet:
Christy Anderson Brekken, is President of the board of the Oregon Citizens’ Utility Board (CUB). CUB was established in 1984 at the direction of Oregon voters to represent the interests of Oregon’s residential utility customers before administrative, judicial, and legislative bodies.
Christy is also an Instructor in the Department of Applied Economics at Oregon State University. She teaches Agricultural Law, Environmental Law, Introduction to Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics, and Food Systems. Christy received her law degree from the University of Minnesota in 2005 and Masters degree in Agricultural and Resource Economics at OSU in 2011.
Christy’s presentation was the first of two opportunities offered by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition for community members to find out what they can do to address climate change by influencing public policy at the state level.
This event was sponsored by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Transportation Action Team.