We did it!

Benton County is the first in Oregon to be certified as a Community Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. We needed 500 points—we earned 612 points! Congratulations to the Backyard Wildlife Connections team on achieving this goal.
This includes 228 backyards, 5 schools, and 93 common areas that were certified. But this is just the beginning! We’d like to multiply tenfold the number of public and private areas that are certified.
TRANSFORM your outdoor space into wildlife friendly habitat by providing these four basic elements:
Food • Water • Cover • Places to Raise Young
GET CERTIFIED by visiting Garden for Wildlife and registering your habitat ($20 application fee to the National Wildlife Federation required). Whether you register or not, this site gives helpful tips for transforming your yard into a wildlife friendly place.
BENEFITS for wildlife and you!
Upon certification of your wildlife habitat you will receive:
- A personalized certificate including your name and the name of your wildlife habitat
- A one-year membership to NWF which includes subscription to National Wildlife magazine
- A subscription to Garden for Wildlife e-newsletter
- Inclusion in NWF’s National Registry of Habitats
- Inclusion toward Benton County’s certification as Oregon’s FIRST Community Wildlife Habitat
Check out this story on our backyard wildlife habitat certification program:
Wildlife-friendly county
Jan 19, 2014