Can we bring them back to life? Find out Tuesday!
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
6–7:30 pm
Old World Deli
341 SW 2nd Street, Downtown Corvallis
- Where are all of our fish-bearing creeks within the City of Corvallis?
- Are they clean and healthy? Are they safe? What is in them?
- What could they become as we hyper-develop the land around them? Who is responsible?
- Who cares about our creeks and why?
- Why didn’t our creeks flood this past big storm, when the Willamette River flooded in epic proportions?
Hear five short presentations about our creeks, all with Q & A:
- Where are our creeks and what are the important features we should all know?
- Who is studying our creeks? Three reports are given by OSU students studying our creeks.
- What is the overall health of our creeks and what role is the City of Corvallis playing in protecting them?
Open seating. No reservations. First-come, first seated.
Free and open to the public.
And you have the opportunity to purchase food and drink from Old World Deli to make the event all the more enjoyable. This is a one-time event. Please do not miss it.
Sponsored by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Water Action Team.