We’re seeking photos we can use to promote Benton To Go, our community’s new reusable takeout container program..

Simply send us photos of yourself, friends or family holding a meal purchased in a Benton To Go container.
You’ll be helping us get the word out about our innovative new waste prevention program. To say thank you, you’ll be entered to win a $25 gift card to First Alternative Co-op!
Entry details:

- Only one entry per meal.
- Enter as many different meals as you’d like.
- Send photos to:
togo@sustainablecorvallis.org - Include your name, phone number, names of people in photo, brief description of meal, and name of restaurant where you purchased it.
- BONUS ENTRIES: Post a photo on your Facebook or Instagram page and tag @bentontogo for a bonus entry and chance to win!
Deadline to enter: Monday, October 31, 2022.