Of the nine strategies listed in the Buildings & Energy section of the Corvallis Climate Action Plan, the second highest rated strategy is Home Performance Ratings (also known as Home Energy Score): Implement an energy performance rating program for homes, so prospective buyers and renters make informed decisions on future energy use/cost.
The Energy Action Team has laid the groundwork for implementation of a Home Energy Score program in Corvallis. Since March 2017, members of the Energy Action Team have accomplished the following:
- Developed relationships with staff from Oregon Dept. of Energy (ODOE), which is the lead agency for Home Energy Score in Oregon, and with staff from Earth Advantage, a Portland-based nonprofit that serves as ODOE’s Home Energy Score contractor. (2017 – present)
- Submitted an Initiative Form to the Climate Action Advisory Board and the Imagine Corvallis Action Network to implement a Home Performance Rating Program in Corvallis. This Initiative was accepted by both boards. (Fall 2018)
- Attended a full-day Home Energy Score workshop in Portland. (2/16/19)
Met with the City’s Community Development Director and staff from ODOE and Earth Advantage (5/1/19). - Attended a series of seven trainings on “Home Energy Score for Municipalities” sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Institute and Earth Advantage. (May – December 2019; 20 hours total)
- Conducted meetings with local realtors to provide information about Home Energy Score programs and to gather their feedback and guidance. (February – April 2021)
Met twice with staff and members of the Willamette Association of Realtors Governance Committee. (2/9/21 and 6/3/21) - Met with City of Milwaukie staff to gather information about how their program was developed and implemented, as well as staff time required to operate the program. (2/21)
- Met with City of Corvallis Community Development Director and Economic Development Office staff to provide an update on HES. (3/9/21)
Met with individual City Councilors to brief them on Home Energy Score. (February – June 2021) - Met with staff from First American Title Company and Earth Advantage to arrange for continuing education courses for local realtors about Home Energy Score. (6/7/21)
In other jurisdictions, much of this foundational work is typically performed by municipal staff. Energy Action Team volunteers have saved the City of Corvallis substantial staff time and related costs by performing this work.