- Google Maps (includes transit, walking, and cycling options)
Cycling and Walking
- Bike Map – Corvallis
- Bike Map – Benton County
- Corvallis Active Transportation: Bicycle & Pedestrian Programs
- Corvallis Bicycle Collective
- Mid-Valley Bicycle Club
- Sunday Lunch Rides (Facebook Group)
- VIDEO: Beavers Bike Safe, OSU Transportation Services
- Portable Bike Rack Loan Program
The City provides bike racks to organizations within Corvallis, free of charge.
Local Bike Shops
- Corvallis Cyclery
- Corvallis Electric Bicycles
- OSU Bike Shop (for OSU students and staff)
- Peak Sports
- Spicy Pedals
Local Shoe Shops
Corvallis Transit System (CTS) for Mobile
- Web: Corvallis Transit System
- Android: Corvallis Transit System
- iOS: Corvallis Transit System
Public Transit
- 99 Express (Corvallis-Adair Village)
- Albany Transit System
- Amtrak
- FlixBus
- Coast to Valley Express (Albany-Corvallis-Philomath-Eddyville-Toledo-Newport)
- Corvallis Transit System (including Night Owl)
- Dial-A-Bus (serving seniors and disabled persons in Benton County)
- Greyhound
- Groome Transportation (Corvallis-PDX Airport)
- Linn-Benton Loop Bus (Corvallis-Albany)
- Linn Shuttle (Albany-Lebanon-Sweet Home)
- NW Connector (Benton Co, Lincoln Co and beyond)
- OSU Beaver Bus (on campus)
- Philomath Connection (Corvallis-Philomath)
Taxi Cabs – Corvallis
- Beaver Cab: 541-738-8294
Taxi Cabs – Albany
- 1 Cab: 541-223-6000
- Other One Taxi: 541-936-2939
The ABC’s of Bike Maintenance
- Find recommended pressure range on the tire sidewall, in pounds per square inch (PSI), e.g. 40-65 PSI.
- For street-riding, balance efficiency and comfort: Pump rear tire to max pressure and front tire about 10% less.
- For off-roading, balance traction while minimizing pinch flats: Pump front tire to minimum pressure and rear tire about 10% more.
- Adjust brake pads so that they’re far enough so they don’t rub the rim when brakes are not engaged AND close enough so that the hand lever doesn’t bottom-out against the handlebar grip when squeezed.
- Fine-tuning can be made with the barrel adjuster at the brake lever: turn it in (right) to widen the gaps between pads and rim, turn it out (left) to narrow the gaps, and lock the barrel adjuster in place with the locknut.
- To make larger adjustments, adjust where the pinch bolt attaches to the cable at the brake.
- For details on brake adjustment, click here.
- Clean the chain of gunk by wrapping the lower run of the chain gently with a rag and pedaling the cranks backwards (you can use a solvent or cleaner if the chain is especially dirty).
- Lube the chain by touching the nozzle of the lubricant bottle’s tip to the top of the lower-run of chain and pedaling backwards.
- Wipe the chain clean after a couple hours or longer.
- NOTES: Lube the chain when it starts making noise (no need to do it sooner). Lubricant is most needed in the internal (moving) parts of the chain; lubricant on the outside only attracts grime (a thin layer on the outside is useful to prevent rust, but plenty will be left over after wiping).
- For details on chain lubrication, click here.
Patching a Tube with a Rema Tip Top Patch
- Find the hole by over-inflating the tube; listen for the hiss, feel the air on your lips, or look for bubbles under water.
- Optional: mark the hole with a permanent marker.
- Scuff the area around the hole lightly with sandpaper (removes the mold release used during manufacture).
- Apply a thin layer of the vulcanizing solution (glue).
- Let glue dry (wait at least 2-3 minutes).
- Remove foil backing.
- Apply patch and press firmly in all places (especially edges).
- Remove plastic, being careful not to peel off edges of patch (TIP: bend patch and plastic should split in the center, peel from inside to outside; if plastic doesn’t split, it’s okay to leave it on).
- Locate and remove the debris from the tire that caused the flat.
- When re-installing the tube, align the tube valve with the tire logo to make it easier to find flat-causing debris next time (and it looks professional).
Online Bike Maintenance Resources
- Step-by-step instructions - Everything you wanted to know about bikes