Welcome to our “virtual village.” In the face of the global pandemic, we offer this space to share resources that will make us more resilient – both personally and in community. Our response to this crisis provides an opportunity for us to practice how we will respond to a much greater existential threat: our changing climate. The personal lifestyle changes we make and strong community connections we develop in response to COVID-19 may be exactly what are needed as we prepare for the impacts of climate change.
What is Resilience?
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from adverse situations. Becoming a resilient community means using available resources to recover from a crisis, whether it’s a pandemic, an earthquake, or a climate change-induced catastrophe. Individuals and communities that are resilient minimize the effects of disasters and recover quickly.
Please review the resources below to decide how you can help, both personally and through your community connections, to make Corvallis and Benton County more resilient.

Coalition Action Team Resources
This section directs you to actions and projects to support both personal and community resilience.

Coalition Partner Resources
This section directs you to information about actions our partner organizations are taking to support the community in response to the pandemic.