Creating connections among people and organizations has been one of the Coalition’s primary purposes since our founding in 2007. Through greater communication and collaboration, we can expand and accelerate our efforts to create a sustainable community.
Three types of Coalition gatherings have been integral to our efforts to create connections: Annual Meetings, Town Halls, and Quarterly Gatherings.
Annual Meetings
Every January, the Sustainability Coalition sponsors an Annual Meeting to celebrate our accomplishments of the previous year and our plans for the new year. The work of Coalition action teams is the primary focus.
We’ve been working on a wide variety of projects in 12 topic areas: Community Inclusion, Economic Vitality, Education, Energy, Food, Health and Human Services, Housing, Land Use, Natural Areas, Transportation, Waste Prevention, and Water.
Town Halls
While the focus of our Annual Meetings is the Sustainability Coalition, the focus of our Town Halls is the community. Typically held in March at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center on the OSU campus, the event begins with a two-hour Sustainability Fair, featuring more than 50 hands-on exhibits, each representing a Coalition partner organization or action team. A fabulous spread of delicious local food is offered, and local musicians provide entertainment. The entire event is waste-free, with recycling and composting stations located throughout the facility.
Following the Sustainability Fair, attendees move to the Alumni Center ballroom, where they’re seated at tables of eight for a fast-paced, interactive Town Hall. The program includes three parts, each with a presentation from the main stage followed by discussion and activity at the tables.
The Town Hall program includes an annual Community Scrapbook, a slide presentation highlighting the sustainability achievements of local partner organizations during the past year. Since 2013, the Town Hall has included a keynote speaker to share fresh ideas with the community and to motivate attendees to take action.
A photo gallery and recording of the 2024 Sustainability Fair and Town can be viewed HERE.
The 2023 Town Hall recording can be viewed below in four separate videos:
Part 1: Charting a New Path – Overview of Town Hall + presentations by Mayor Maughan and Commissioner Malone
Part 2: Community Progress – Presentation of 2022 Community Scrapbook by Andrea Norris and Sean McGuire
Part 3: Shift Together – Presentations by Bill Ripple, Kathleen Dean Moore, Chris Quaka, and Julie Williams + call to action
Part 4: Close – Closing remarks by Annette Mills
A photo gallery of the 2023 Sustainability Fair and Town Hall can be viewed HERE.
In 2008, our first Town Halls were designed to produce a sustainability action plan for the Corvallis community. That year, we sponsored three town hall meetings. The first two Town Halls in March and June of 2008 were captured on film. Nearly 1,000 people were involved in the action planning process, and the air of excitement was palpable! You can witness a bit of this community engagement by watching the videos below.
Quarterly Meetings
The Coalition’s Quarterly Gatherings are held each April, July, and October in the main meeting room of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library. The fourth gathering at the library is our Annual Meeting, held in January (see above).
During each 90-minute Quarterly Gathering, there are brief presentations made by three partner organizations and one Coalition action team that have been invited to share through slides and narrative what they are doing to help create a sustainable community. Each presentation is followed by audience questions.
A highlight of the Quarterly Gatherings is a buffet of delicious snacks provided by First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op.
You can view the recording of our July 2023 Quarterly Gathering HERE. Presentations include the following:
- Introductory Remarks by Annette Mills, including recognition of sponsors and donors (00:00 – 10:00)
- Mary’s River Gleaners by Cookie Johnson (10:01 – 23:48)
- Oregon Clean Power Cooperative by Dan Orzech (23:49 – 38:33)
- Willamette Tides by Will Allender (38:34 – 49:37)
- Energy Action Team by Julie Williams (49:38 – 1:04:46)
- Announcements & Closing Remarks by Annette Mills (1:04:47 – 1:11:24)
You can view the recording of our May 2024 Quarterly Gathering HERE. Presentations include the following:
- Introductory Remarks by Annette Mills, including recognition of sponsors and donors (00:00 – 15:37)
- Corvallis Housing First by Andrea Myhre (15:38 – 31:16)
- 1972 Vintage & Gifts by Kate Dillon (31:17 – 45:57)
- A Tuttle Consults by Kirsten Miller (45:58 – 1:02:47)
- Natural Areas Action Team by Molly Monroe (1:02:48 – 1:12:29)
- Announcements & Closing Remarks by Annette Mills (1:12:30 – 1:25:26)
You can view the recording of our July 2024 Quarterly Gathering HERE. Presentations include the following:
- Introductory Remarks by Annette Mills, including recognition of sponsors and donors (00:00 – 15:29)
- Wild Yeast Bakery by April & Craig Hall Cutting (15:30 – 26:42)
- Stone Soup by Elizabeth Jones (26:43 – 44:44)
- RemarkableArts / Conundrum House by Adrienne Fritz (44:45 – 1:00:10)
- Waste Prevention Action Team by Jeanette Hardison (1:00:11 – 1:15:03)
- Announcements & Closing Remarks by Annette Mills (1:15:04 – 1:26:30)
You can view the recording of our October 2024 Quarterly Gathering HERE. Presentations include the following:
- Introductory Remarks by Annette Mills, including recognition of sponsors and donors (00:00 – 15:05)
- Maxtivity Creative Space by Louise-Annette Burgess (15:06 – 28:38)
- Brothers Hauling by Sharonn David (28:39 – 42:30)
- Grace Center for Adult Day Services by Cassie Cruze (42:31 – 57:39)
- Food Action Team by Kathy Chambliss (57:40 – 1:10:42)
- Announcements & Closing Remarks by Annette Mills (1:10:43 – 1:21:15)