Our Vision

For the community:
Corvallis is a community in which the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a flourishing and thriving city with a vibrant economy that respects, restores, and cares for the community of life.
For our organization: The Corvallis Sustainability Coalition provides grassroots leadership, inspiration, resources, opportunities for collaboration, and innovative solutions to help Corvallis and Benton County become more sustainable.
Our Mission
To promote an ecologically, socially, and economically healthy city and county.
We will achieve our mission using a democratic, highly participatory decision-making process and the Sustainability Guiding Objectives.
Our community will:
- Reduce and ultimately eliminate our contribution to fossil fuel dependence and to wasteful use of scarce metals and minerals. Use renewable resources whenever possible.
- Reduce and ultimately eliminate our contribution to dependence on persistent chemicals and wasteful use of synthetic substances. Use biologically safe products whenever possible.
- Reduce and ultimately eliminate our contribution to encroachment upon nature (e.g., land, water, wildlife, forests, soil, ecosystems). Protect natural ecosystems.
- Support people’s capacity to meet their basic needs fairly and efficiently.
Our Goals
For the community:
Goals are in 12 topic areas as outlined in Community Sustainability: A Framework for Action.
- Community Inclusion
- Economic Vitality
- Education
- Energy
- Food
- Health & Human Services
- Housing
- Land Use
- Natural Areas
- Transportation
- Waste Prevention
- Water
For our organization:
- Advance the Action Plan (Community Sustainability: A Framework for Action)
- Support our volunteers and partners
- Develop financial stability
- Provide staff
- Increase visibility