WINTER VEGETABLE SAGRA Free food festival, with local chefs showcasing the bounty of Willamette Valley’s winter produce through cooking demonstrations and tastings. At Benton County Fairgrounds; Guerber Hall and adjacent […]
WINTER VEGETABLE SAGRA Free food festival, with local chefs showcasing the bounty of Willamette Valley’s winter produce through cooking demonstrations and tastings. At Benton County Fairgrounds; Guerber Hall and adjacent […]
CHAMPINEFU SERIES – CULTIVATING CAMAS AND COMMUNITIES: TRACING PEOPLE-PLANT RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Webinar with OSU Asst. Professor Molly Carnes. Learn how past peoples cared for and stewarded camas […]
Second Monday of each month, 12 noon –1 pm We’re working on affordable housing, preservation of existing structures, sustainable new home building & reducing homelessness. FOR INFO: Debi Friedlander • […]
Second Wednesday of each month, 4 pm Children are our future. We’re helping them become lifelong learners who model environmental, social, and economic sustainability in their daily lives. FOR INFO: […]
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:00–5:30 pm We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & […]
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:30–7 pm (New member orientation 5–5:30 pm) We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & Jeanette Hardison • Visit our website • Join our google group with your FULL name more details» copy to my calendar
Webinar with former OSU (now UCSB) Professor Natchee Barnd. Professor Barnd unveils a unique cultural geography and reclamation project deployed by the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, activating indigenous […]
Second Monday of each month, 12 noon –1 pm We’re working on affordable housing, preservation of existing structures, sustainable new home building & reducing homelessness. FOR INFO: Debi Friedlander • […]
Second Wednesday of each month, 4 pm Children are our future. We’re helping them become lifelong learners who model environmental, social, and economic sustainability in their daily lives. FOR INFO: […]
One of the joys of gardening is that you can answer “What’s for dinner?” by going out to pick it fresh or selecting something home grown from your pantry. You […]
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:00–5:30 pm We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & […]
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:30–7 pm (New member orientation 5–5:30 pm) We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & Jeanette Hardison • Visit our website • Join our google group with your FULL name more details» copy to my calendar