Housing Action Team meeting
ZoomSecond Monday of each month, 12 noon –1 pm We’re working on affordable housing, preservation of existing structures, sustainable new home building & reducing homelessness. FOR INFO: Debi Friedlander • […]
Second Monday of each month, 12 noon –1 pm We’re working on affordable housing, preservation of existing structures, sustainable new home building & reducing homelessness. FOR INFO: Debi Friedlander • […]
Join us for this popular community event! Lively presentations by Coalition partners and action teams, networking opportunities, and delicious snacks from First Alternative Co-op. At Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, 645 […]
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:00–5:30 pm We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & […]
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:30–7 pm (New member orientation 5–5:30 pm) We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR […]
Having opened restaurants in Syria and Saudi Arabia, Naser and his wife opened Khalo Naser here in Oregon when they relocated to Corvallis. They believe that food is an expression […]
WINTER VEGETABLE SAGRA Free food festival, with local chefs showcasing the bounty of Willamette Valley’s winter produce through cooking demonstrations and tastings. At Benton County Fairgrounds; Guerber Hall and adjacent […]
CHAMPINEFU SERIES – CULTIVATING CAMAS AND COMMUNITIES: TRACING PEOPLE-PLANT RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Webinar with OSU Asst. Professor Molly Carnes. Learn how past peoples cared for and stewarded camas and associated plant communities, the plant’s role within everyday life, and how tribal communities are revitalizing traditional plant stewardship practices throughout this region. Open to […]
Second Monday of each month, 12 noon –1 pm We’re working on affordable housing, preservation of existing structures, sustainable new home building & reducing homelessness. FOR INFO: Debi Friedlander • Visit our website • Join our google group
Second Wednesday of each month, 4 pm Children are our future. We’re helping them become lifelong learners who model environmental, social, and economic sustainability in their daily lives. FOR INFO: Rachel Kirby • Visit our website • Join our google group
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:00–5:30 pm We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & Jeanette Hardison • Visit our website • Join our google group with your FULL name more details» copy to my calendar
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:30–7 pm (New member orientation 5–5:30 pm) We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & Jeanette Hardison • Visit our website • Join our google group with your FULL name more details» copy to my calendar
Webinar with former OSU (now UCSB) Professor Natchee Barnd. Professor Barnd unveils a unique cultural geography and reclamation project deployed by the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, activating indigenous place keeping principles that could be expanded throughout the Willamette Valley. Register: https://bit.ly/2024champinefu3 Contact: Dave Eckert, deckert@willamettewatershed.com Co-Sponsors: Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, Marys Peak Group […]