This win-win project will help address climate change AND homelessness.

Thanks to the generosity of 100 community members, we’ve met our fundraising goal for the newest Solarize Corvallis project – adding solar panels to the former Budget Inn.
Corvallis Housing First recently received Project Turnkey funds to purchase the Budget Inn, 1480 SW 3rd Street, for emergency shelter and eventual permanent supported housing for our community members who are experiencing homelessness.
Our goal was to raise $20,000 in 20 days to add 20 kW of solar to the roof of the former Budget Inn. We started on 7/11/21, and we’ve made it!
- Our community needs to shift to renewable energy as quickly as possible to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
- Solar energy will allow Corvallis Housing First to save precious dollars on the building’s monthly utility bills – money that can be better used to support CHF’s mission.
- The building has been undergoing major renovations, including installation of a new roof – the most financially effective and sustainable time to add solar.
THANKS to our generous donors, we’re helping our community make the shift to clean, renewable energy!
Solarize Corvallis is a partnership between the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and the Oregon Clean Power Cooperative.