Now’s the time to plant cool season crops! Benton County Master Gardeners will help you plan your garden, select seeds right for you, and answer your vegetable garden questions at […]
Now’s the time to plant cool season crops! Benton County Master Gardeners will help you plan your garden, select seeds right for you, and answer your vegetable garden questions at […]
Second Monday of each month, 12 noon –1 pm We’re working on affordable housing, preservation of existing structures, sustainable new home building & reducing homelessness. FOR INFO: Debi Friedlander • […]
Explore this urgent need with speakers Helen Higgins (ED of the Corvallis Boys & Girls Club) on why we need more workforce housing; Jackie Keogh (ED of Rooted Homes) on […]
Now’s the time to plant cool season crops! Benton County Master Gardeners will help you plan your garden, select seeds right for you, and answer your vegetable garden questions at […]
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:00–5:30 pm We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & Jeanette Hardison • Visit our website • Join our google group with your FULL name more details» copy to my calendar
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:30–7 pm (New member orientation 5–5:30 pm) We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & Jeanette Hardison • Visit our website • Join our google group with your FULL name more details» copy to my calendar
Learn how to maximize your garden’s productivity working smarter with the space and materials you have to build and maintain a garden composting system! Intended for beginner and experienced gardeners: Bring your questions to this interactive presentation by Frederick Livingston, former Biointensive Teacher/Farmer at Ecology Action in CA. At Corvallis Public Library Meeting Room, 645 […]
Are you concerned about the affordable housing crisis? Are you a homeowner who is mortgage-burdened or on a fixed income? Do you care about sustainability and community-building? Join us to explore homesharing with those who are doing it. Come early for refreshments and stay for our special drawing. At the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, 645 […]
Celebrate our local version of national Food Waste Prevention Week! This family-friendly event features Oregon Trail’s Limited-Edition “Recyc-Ale”, an English-style porter brewed with recovered organic bread from Wild Yeast Bakery. Enjoy music by Kjersten Hallin & Friends, and taste Old World Deli’s special Zero Waste items. Play activities, games, and videos – and enter to […]
Second Monday of each month, 12 noon –1 pm We’re working on affordable housing, preservation of existing structures, sustainable new home building & reducing homelessness. FOR INFO: Debi Friedlander • Visit our website • Join our google group
Interested in owning, or now own, an electric car, bike, or scooter? Want to see the latest models and ask owners about their shift to electric travel? This event is for YOU! At First Congregational Church Parking Lot, 4215 SW West Hills Road, Corvallis Contact: Sponsor: Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Transportation Action Team
Third Wednesday of each month, 5:00–5:30 pm We’re working to make Corvallis a waste free community that fosters behaviors to reduce consumption of material goods. FOR INFO: Dawn Marie Gaid & Jeanette Hardison • Visit our website • Join our google group with your FULL name more details» copy to my calendar