Join us for our 9th annual event celebrating the incredible natural resources in our community. Come for a hike, walk, workshop or lecture. There’s something for everyone!

Schedule of Events
Download a schedule of events with all the details listed below. *Family-friendly events
Saturday, May 5
Native Plant Walk on Woodpecker Loop*
Identify plants along the Woodpecker loop trail in this family-friendly event!
Meeting Location: Woodpecker Loop parking lot
Contact: Esther McEvoy,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Corvallis Native Plant Society
Walk as One at 1:00 at Shawala Point Labyrinth*
Come walk labyrinths in the tall grass natural area for World Labyrinth Day, Walk as One @1:00 event. People all over the world will be walking or tracing Labyrinths at 1:00 in their time zone. Laughter is highly encouraged during this walk as a fun community gathering for creating Peace within, together! Hosted by local landscape artist and laughter leader, Traci Mc. Merritt
Meeting Location: Shawala Point, south end of Riverfront Commemorative Park, Corvallis
Contact: Traci Mc. Merritt,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Traci Mc. Merritt, LLC
Marys Peak Interpretive Hike*
Have you ever wondered why Marys Peak is the tallest mountain in the Coast Range? Did you know that flowers found in abundance in the high desert east of the Cascades are also found on only a few acres in the Coast Range, near the top of Marys Peak? Take a leisurely hike from the Forest Service Campground along the Meadow Edge & Summit Trails with trained interpretive guides who will share the geological, ecological and cultural stories of Marys Peak, the sacred mountain of the indigenous Chepenefu Kalapuyans of the Corvallis area. The weather can be unpredictable and not necessarily the same as in Corvallis. Bring water & snacks & dress in layers for possible rain & wind.
Meeting Location: Meeting place provided upon registration
Contact: Register with MPG hike leader Mike Neeley-Brown, (541) 760-3934,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsors: Marys Peak Group of the Sierra Club, Marys Peak Alliance of AFRANA
Evening Hike at Witham Hill*
Evening hike around the Witham Hill Natural Area
Meeting Location: Witham Hill Natural Area
Contact: Louise Marquering,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Corvallis Sustainability Coalition
Sunday, May 6
Peavy Arboretum Birding Walk
We’ll spend time quietly listening and identifying forest birds by sound. Peavy Arboretum is an excellent place to be for migrating forest birds like colorful (and vocal) warblers and flycatchers.
Meeting Location: Peavy Arboretum, Intensive Management Trailhead Parking Lot
Contact Information: Don Boucher,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Neighborhood Naturalist
Spring Garden Festival
Mark your calendar for the 31st annual Madison Avenue Task Force’s Spring Garden Festival on The Arts Center Plaza, 7th and Madison. Each year the Festival features dozens of vendors and information booths offering gardening products, advice and inspiration that will help you limber up your green thumb. We hope to see you there!
Meeting Location: The Arts Center Plaza, 7th and Madison
Registration Required: No.
Sponsors: Benton County Master Gardeners Association, City of Corvallis Parks & Recreation, Corvallis Farmers’ Market, Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, and The Arts Center
Bringing Prairies Home
Join us as we visit an upland prairie, wet prairie, and backyard prairie. Learn from experts what plants belong where, how to prepare for, and how to maintain these pollinator oases. We will take vans for this tour.
Meeting Location: We will meet in the parking lot on the south side of Benton County Fairgrounds. Enter from Reservoir Ave.
Contact: Donna Schmitz at 541-753-7208 or
Registration Required: Yes. Sign up at
Sponsors: Benton Soil & Water Conservation District, Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Golden Paintbrush Tour at Finley NWR*
Come see this beautiful, rare paintbrush plant in bloom, and hear about IAE’s efforts to restore the species to the Pacific Northwest.
Meeting Location: Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Woodpecker Loop Trailhead
Contact: Michel Wiman,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Institute for Applied Ecology
NaturePlay Preschool & Science School Open House*
Join us to learn about our Nature School programs for fall 2018 for ages 3-10. Take a tour, meet our teachers, and participate in some fun nature activities about Bees & Butterflies!
Meeting Location: Avery House Nature Center, 1200 SW Avery Dr
Contact: Connie Barnes,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Corvallis Environmental Center
Monday, May 7
Wildflower Walk and Picnic at Little Willamette*
Join Greenbelt Land Trust for a special guided walk at Little Willamette—a private conservation area in Albany that most folks don’t get to see! At this free, family-friendly walk we’ll explore the restored prairies and oak woodlands of this dynamic floodplain along the Willamette River. We will look for and identify spring wildflowers, pond turtles, and other wildlife. Enjoy an evening brown bag picnic along the Willamette River.
Meeting location: Given upon registering
Contact: Rebecca McKay Steinberg,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsor: Greenbelt Land Trust
Jackson-Frazier Wetland Sundown Spotting*
Watch the wetlands come alive! Jackson-Frazier has over 140 acres of high quality habitat for all types of birds, bats, owls, and other wildlife that start to come out in the evening. Enjoy a nice walk around the handicap accessible boardwalk and special access to the rare wet prairie habitat, as you see all the animals and their habitat. Be sure to bring binoculars if you have them!
Meeting Location: Parking area at end of NE Lancaster St
Contact: Adam Stebbins,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsor: Benton County Natural Areas and Parks Department
Tuesday, May 8
Franklin School Neighborhood Tree Tour*
Go green – take a neighborhood walk! Celebrate the enduring companionship of heritage trees in the historic Franklin School Neighborhood. This one-hour guided tour includes the 1889 Franklin Square Park, Corvallis’ oldest park and home to more than 15 different tree species.
Meeting Location: Franklin School
Contact: Lyn Larson,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Jobs Addition Neighborhood Association
Restoration Tour at Herbert Farm*
Come and learn about the restoration initiatives happening on this City-owned property.
Meeting Location: Kiosk on Herbert Ave
Contact: Michel Wiman,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Institute for Applied Ecology
Wednesday, May 9
Gardening for Wildlife Presentation*
The National Wildlife Federation’s Garden for Wildlife program engages people and communities in providing wildlife-friendly gardens and habitats through the four components that all wildlife need—food, water, cover, places to raise young—and by practicing sustainable gardening techniques. Since 1973, over 210,000 homes, parks, rooftops, roadsides, schoolyards, farms, places of worship, businesses, and more have certified across the country (learn more at From rural to urban areas, this growing movement is restoring habitat and attracting wildlife including critical pollinators such as birds, butterflies, and bees. In Oregon, there are over 3,200 Certified Wildlife Habitats. Benton County is still the only certified Community Wildlife Habitat in the state. Recently, NWF teamed up with our affiliate partner, the Association of Northwest Steelheaders, as we recognize the connection between backyard habitat and healthy watershed conditions downstream for salmon and other fish and wildlife species. Creating spaces for wildlife makes a great team project for students, troops, volunteers, and other community members who want to make a difference. To learn more, visit:
Meeting Location: Corvallis-Benton County Library
Contact: Molly Monroe,
Registration Required: No
Sponsors: Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, National Wildlife Federation
Thursday, May 10
Prairie Plant ID Walk*
Walk the prairie at Finley Refuge with experts and identify native prairie plants that pollinators love. Fun for all ages.
Meeting Location: William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge Prairie Overlook
Contact: Heath Keirstead,
Registration Required: No
Sponsors: Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Benton Soil & Water Conservation District
Sunset, Stars & Lights Gazing at Fitton Green*
Come see one of the most breathtaking sunsets in Benton County, as the sun sinks down behind Marys Peak. Then stay for the twinkling light show from the City of Philomath and beyond. Stay a little longer to gaze at the stars and use a telescope for some starter star gazing. Bring your own telescopes, binoculars, and cameras if you have them! Reserve your space as only 20 people total can participate.
Meeting Location: Fitton Green Natural Area, 980 NW Panorama Dr, Corvallis
Contact: Adam Stebbins,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsors: Benton County Natural Areas and Parks, Greenbelt Land Trust
Friday, May 11
Tyee Wetlands Walk, Bonfire and Wine*
Come enjoy an evening at Tyee Wine Cellars along Muddy Creek south of Corvallis. This unique landscape is being actively restored to historic wet prairie and marshes by the Buchanan family, along with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Take a tour of Restoration Loop while you learn about ongoing restoration efforts, identifying native wildflowers and invasive weeds along the way. Bring a picnic, and delight in an evening of wine tasting and storytelling, all around a cozy bonfire. There will also be fun activities for the little ones including owl pellet dissection, and an up close look at owl feathers.
Meeting Location: Tyee Wine Cellars
Contact: Molly Monroe,
Registration Required: No
Sponsors: Tyee Wine Cellars, USFWS
Saturday, May 12
Audubon Society of Corvallis Monthly Birding Trip*
Morning birding at Finley National Wildlife Refuge. Open to all, especially beginners and persons new to the area.
Meeting Location: Benton Center parking lot, 757 NW Polk
Contact: William Proebsting,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Audubon Society of Corvallis
A Bird’s Eye View: Kids Bird Walk & Craft*
Let’s celebrate Migratory Bird Day! Join us for a special kid-friendly nature walk at Bald Hill Farm conservation area. We’ll identify birds, tour a wildlife habitat restoration site created by local 3rd-graders, and learn about the Willamette-Laja partnership that links bird conservation between Oregon and Mexico. Hands-on activities for kids include stewarding plants for bird habitat and making a bird-themed craft to take home.
Meeting location: Given upon registering
Contact: Rebecca McKay Steinberg,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsors: Greenbelt Land Trust, Benton Soil and Water Conservation District, Marys River Watershed Council, Institute for Applied Ecology
Mother’s Day Art in the Garden*
Enjoy a beautiful day in the country at this annual festival featuring regional artists, herbal appetizers, and live music at the beautiful display gardens and natural areas of The Thyme Garden, a local nursery offering more than 500 varieties of medicinal, culinary, decorative and household herbs. Enjoy walking the peaceful forest paths and discover the beautiful salmon stream restoration project that has been a successful effort to restore nearly 1/2 mile of prime Coho salmon spawning grounds.
Meeting Location: The Thyme Garden, 20546 Alsea Hwy
Contact: Emily Stimac,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: The Thyme Garden
Tending Rare & Threatened Native Plant Production Fields*
Help weed and maintain rare and endangered plants at the Arkley Farm in Independence.
Meeting Location: Caravan from IAE office, 563 SW Jefferson, Corvallis
Contact: Michel Wiman,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsor: Institute for Applied Ecology
Lamprey Creek Hike to the Source*
Hike to the source of newly named Lamprey Creek through parkland and residential areas to learn its history, current condition and future status.
Meeting Location: Dr MLK, Jr Park parking lot
Contact: Mike Neeley-Brown,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsor: Marys Peak Group Sierra Club
Bat Night*
Join us for family-friendly night of batting! We’ll see lots of bats hunting over the duck pond and wetlands at Starker and Sunset Parks. We’ll use a bat detector to convert the bats’ sonar to audible clicks, and a spotlight. Bring binoculars and an extra layer to wear as the evening gets cooler.
Meeting Location: Bruce Starker Arts Park parking lot (near duck pond and amphitheater)
Contact: Don Boucher,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Neighborhood Naturalist
Sunday, May 13
Mother’s Day Art in the Garden*
Enjoy a beautiful day in the country at this annual festival featuring regional artists, herbal appetizers, and live music at the beautiful display gardens and natural areas of The Thyme Garden, a local nursery offering more than 500 varieties of medicinal, culinary, decorative and household herbs. Enjoy walking the peaceful forest paths and discover the beautiful salmon stream restoration project that has been a successful effort to restore nearly 1/2 mile of prime Coho salmon spawning grounds.
Meeting Location: The Thyme Garden, 20546 Alsea Hwy
Contact: Emily Stimac,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: The Thyme Garden
Chintimini Wildlife Center Open House*
Enjoy self-guided tours of the Chintimini Wildlife Center’s educational facilities and ash swale wetland, children’s activities and more! Live birds of prey will be on display as well as videos featuring baby animals in our care and bird-box building activities! We will also be sharing information about rescuing injured and orphaned wild babies. Donations of animal baby care supplies and food welcome (see for special requests).
Meeting Location: Chintimini Wildlife Center
Contact: Sarah Spangler,
Registration Required: No
Sponsor: Chintimini Wildlife Center
Beazell Open House & Mothers Day Nature Walk*
Come spend mother’s day afternoon in the beautiful Beazell forest, prairies, and streamside. Get a guided tour of the education center- a remodeled gorgeous space using the original 1800’s homestead barn wood! Then join in the afternoon walk to see and learn about the beautiful wildflowers, butterflies, birds, and other wildlife! Light refreshments will be available. Reserve your space as only 30 people total can participate!
Meeting Location: Beazell Memorial Forest parking lot, 32783 Kings Valley Hwy, Philomath
Contact: Adam Stebbins,
Registration Required: Yes
Sponsor: Benton County Natural Areas and Parks
Natural Areas Celebration Week takes place each year during the first week in May. Sponsored by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition’s Natural Areas Action Team.